Applied nursing assistance methodology in the promotion of cardiovascular health of elderly - preview note


nursing care
health promotion
health of the elderly

PlumX Metrics


Fieldwork with qualitative approach, which uses the group of convergence as a strategy for its development. Objectives: to identify the cardiovascular risk factors of an elderly clientele assisted at the ambulatory of Gerontogeriatry of a School Hospital of the town of Rio de Janeiro; to discuss with the elderly clientele, practices of self care applied in the prevention of complications arising from the most prevalent cardiovascular diseases in the studied environment; to elaborate subsidies for the construction of a model of nursing care that would foment self care in the promotion of cardiovascular health of the above mentioned patients. This research was conducted at the Rio de Janeiro Federal University Hospital São Francisco de Assis. The subjects will be the elderly patients assisted in the ambulatory of that hospital, who will agree to participate in the discussion group. In that study, the collection and data analysis should take place simultaneously, using processes of information gathering, synthesis, theorization and re-contextualization, for information analysis.