Problem: The selection of this theme is based on the formation of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS, in Portuguese) and the PET Health Program, and how both became scenarios for significant learning. This was a feature I observed while acting as a tutor and as a health professional involved in nurse education, observing the need to reflect on the challenges involved of the development of future nurses; reflections should also be made with regard to the possibilities of partnership between nurse education and the workplace in this process of professional development. Objective: To understand the potential and the weaknesses of the process of professional development as part of the PET Health Project. Method: This is a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory study, performed at Engenhoca Regional Polyclinic, with scholarship students and PET health tutors. The data will be collected through semi-structured interviews, and the analysis will lead to the creation of organized topic lists. Conclusion: We hope to contribute with an indicative reflection on the integration between the worlds of education and the workplace. This could reveal an approach that is complex, concrete and yet, possibleReferences
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