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Rabelo, Ana Cleide Silva, State University of Ceará, CE, Brazil
Rabelo, Ana Cleide Silva, State University of Ceará (UECE).
Rabelo, Eneida Rejane, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - Divisão de Cardiologia. Escola de Enfermagem UFRGS.
Rabelo, Eneida Rejane, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Rabelo, Eneida Rejane, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Rabelo, Eneida Rejane, School of Nursing, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Rabelo, Eneida Rejane, Associate Professor of the Nursing School and of the Post-Graduation Programs in Nursing, and Cardiovascular Sciences: Cardiology, at the Rio Grande do Sul Federal University, as well as in the Latu Sensu Post-Graduation Program: Nursing in Cardiology, Brazil.
Rabelo, Eneida Rejane, Nursing School, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
Rabelo, Simone Kroll, Department of Nursing, Postgraduate Program in Nursing, RS, Brazil
Rabelo-Silva, Eneida Rejane, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

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