Objective: To identify the use of evidence-based practice (PBE) by nursing teachers of higher education institutions in Brazil. Method: Descriptive study of quantitative approach. The data collection took place by electronic means using the instrument “Evidence-Based Practice Questionnaire ”, being sent to the contact list of professors of undergraduate nursing institutions from different Brazilian states. Results: 117 professors from 17 states of Brazil participated in the study, with a response rate of 21.3%. Of the 86.3% of the respondents reported approaching PBE in nursing education, acted as a nurse previously (91.4%) and have as a maximum level of education the doctorate (57.2%). In the domains attitudes, knowledge and skill about PBE, a high score was obtained above 80%. Conclusion : the participants approach PBE in the teaching in which they work; they present positive attitudes and knowledge related to PBE according to the scores used.
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