Objective: To perform cross-cultural adaptation and content validation of the Hemodialysis Safety Checklist for use in Brazil. Methods: This methodological study was divided into six stages: i) translation into Portuguese; ii) comparison and synthesis; iii) blind back-translation; iv) comparison and analysis of conceptual, semantic, and content equivalence; v) pilot testing with the target population; and vi) content validation by calculating the Content Validity Index (CVI). Results: The cross-cultural adaptation process resulted in an instrument that was considered clear by the target population after the pilot test. After two rounds of evaluation by experts, the instrument was considered valid, obtaining an Item-Level Content Validity Index (I-CVI) ≥ 0.88 for each item, and a Scale-Level Content Validity Index (S-CVI/Ave) = 0.97. Conclusion: The Portuguese version of the Hemodialysis Safety Checklist presents valid content for use in the context of Brazilian hemodialysis.
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