Objective: This study aimed to investigate face mask use among the population of the state of Rio de Janeiro during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: This was an online cross-sectional study. Data were collected via social media using an online form to gather general information about the participants and administering the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Face Mask Use Scale. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests were used to compare the scores. All ethical aspects were considered. Results: 1,783 (100%) individuals participated. The mean score was 18.2 (SD=8.2), with items ranging between 6.0 and 30, placing the practice of mask use at 60.6%. When evaluating self-protection, the mean score was 9.5 (SD=4.0), and protection of others, 8.7 (SD=4.6), ranging between 3.0 and 15.0. Conclusion: The practice of wearing face masks was neglected by the population of this study, and their use was geared more at self-protection than at the protection of others.
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