Objective: To describe strategies developed to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic in university hospitals. Method: A descriptive research study with a quantitative and qualitative approach, developed from an online survey with 104 nurses from three Brazilian university hospitals. Data processing was performed through textual analysis with the aid of the IRAMUTEQ® software. Results: Six semantic classes were obtained that represent the main strategies developed to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic in the hospital environment: 1) Provision of Personal Protective Equipment (17.2%); 2) Training of the team for the care to be provided (18.8%); 3) Training of the support team (15.6%); 4) Acquisition of good quality equipment (14.1%); 5) Definition of institutional flows (20.5%); and 6) Promotion of psychological support (14.1%). Conclusion: The strategies listed by the nurses have contributed to the quality of the care provided to the patients, as well as to preserving the workers' health.
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