Objectives: To analyze news items that deal with irregularities involving Nursing professionals during the vaccination process against COVID-19 and to discuss technical, ethical and legal courses of action applied or suggested by the Federal and Regional Nursing Councils. Method: A documentary, qualitative and descriptive-exploratory research study, whose sources were news items published by the Nursing Councils. The data were processed in the IRAMUTEQ® software through descending hierarchical classification, which allowed performing the lexical data analysis. Results: A total of 19 news items constituted the textual corpus, with identification of 117 Text Segments, of which 95 were used (81.20%) and created two thematic blocks. The first deals with the vaccination moment and the second is on the ethical dilemmas of this process. Conclusion: The leading role of the Nursing team in immunization is evidenced. Mistrust and patrolling emerged, due to news items about unethical actions. There is a need to protect the professionals’ image and ensure safe practices for the population.
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