Objective: To identify the ICNP® Nursing Diagnoses related to the basic human need for nutrition in the pediatric clinic. Method: A cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, carried out in the pediatric clinic of a public hospital in the city of João Pessoa, Paraíba. The sample consisted of 91 participants, including children and adolescents with a hospital stay of more than 24 hours. Result: It was possible to identify the following diagnoses: Weight loss; Adherence to the Effective Dietary Regime; Infant Feeding Behavior, Impaired; Appetite, Impaired; Obesity; Exclusive Breastfeeding; Impaired Exclusive Breastfeeding; Body Weight Problem; Overweight; Impaired Adherence to Diet; and Nutritional Condition, Impaired. Conclusion: The following stood out among the diagnoses: Effective Appetite; Effective Infant Feeding Behavior; Effective Food or Fluid Intake Pattern; Positive Nutritional Status; and Ability to Feed. Elaboration of the diagnoses related to child and adolescent nutrition corroborates the construction of terminology subsets...
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