Objective: To identify Nursing diagnoses for hospitalized older adultsabout basic human nutrition needs, using the International Classification for NursingPractice (ICNP®). Method: A cross-sectional survey with a sample of 100 older adultsfroma hospital. For data collection, a semi-structured instrument was used, containingsociodemographic data, anamnesis and physical examination. The diagnostic statementswere built from the ICNP®. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics toobtain absolute and relative frequency. Results: The following diagnostic titles wereconstructed: Dentition, impaired; Nutritional condition, impaired; Nutritional condition,positive; Ability to eat, impaired; Emaciated (Thin); Obesity; Cachexia; Deglutition,impaired; and Taste, impaired. Conclusion: The importance of applying the stages of theNursing Process is emphasized, providing systematic assistance to the older adult.Nursing diagnoses focused on nutrition for the older adult favor the formulation ofinterventions aimed at improving quality of life and functioning of the gastrointestinal system.
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