Objective:To validate the content of the ‘Evaluation Scale for the Use of Adult Diapers and AbsorbentProducts’(AUFA Scale) among elderly patients in primary care.Method:Methodological study for validation ofcontente with 23 specialists in gerontological nursing and/or wounds for evaluating the name and the items ofthe scale. The analysis of the data was done according to the Index of Validation of Content(IVC) and theCoefficient of Validation of Content (CVC), the ‘Fully Agree” percentage and the compliance to ‘Cronbach’sAlpha’, with a minimum score of 0,80 for each.Results: The general IVC and CVC were 0,91 and 0,89,respectively. However,the ‘Fully Agree’ and ‘Cronbach’s Alpha’ percentages were 0,65 and 0,51, respectively.After three 3 submissions and modifications of the scale, the scores changed to 0,95 and 0,85.Discussion:Judges contributed to the content of the scale, especiallyregarding the number of absorbent product changesConclusion:After taking into account the analyses and suggetions made by the judges, the content wasrefined and considered validated
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