Objective: To identify the nursing interventions performed by telenursing to the elderly and their caregivers in the Home Care Service (SAD) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Cross-sectional study of nursing interventions performed with 140 elderly and 106 caregivers, located in the city of São Gonçalo, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Therefore, a semi-structured instrument was developed based on the nursing diagnosis of Frailty Syndrome, Risk of contamination, and Caregiver role strain of the NANDA-I Taxonomy(12), NIC nursing interventions and activities(13), and on the Coronavirus Clinical Management Protocol (COVID-19) in the Primary Health Care of the Ministry of Health(14). Results: In 66.4% of the cases, there was a change in the routine to suit the care of the elderly, with no significant difference for the elderly over 85 years old; 53.6% had difficulties in maintaining social isolation, and 49.3% in performing hygiene care. In 95.7%...
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