Objective: to analyze the quality of the nurses' records performed in a pediatric inpatient unit.Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study, of the documentary analysis type. An audit was carried out between July and October 2019, extracting data referring to the assistance through the quality of the nurses' records. The data were analyzed by means of ab in addition to calculation of the Positivity Index Results: a total of 1,129 records made by the nurses in the medical records of 67 children and adolescents were analyzed. The records varied in their classification between adequate, safe, borderline, and deficient. In the general context, the records reflected deficient care, since they were not classified as of quality. Conclusion: the nurse's record evidenced gaps in the care provided to the pediatric population, evidencing the need to expose the magnitude of the theme to the directly involved professionals, aiming at improving care quality.
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