Objective: Develop and validate a model of nursing care for people in palliative care in the context of Home Care. Method: Methodological study Convergent Care Research, with a qualitative approach. The research scenario will be the Home Care Service of the Municipality of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. After the consent of those responsible for the service, and acceptance by the Nursing professionals who will be included in the study, the researcher will follow the nursing actions carried out at home through a script, field diary, interview and focus group. In the data analysis, the assistance of the Atlas Ti.1® software will be used and the construction of the model will be anchored in Kolcaba's theory of comfort. Results: it is expected that the model developed and validated with the professionals can contribute to the nursing practice of the person in palliative care at home.References
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KOLKABA, K. Comfort theory and practice: a vision for holistic health care and research. Springer Publishing Company, Nova York, p. 1-264, 2003.

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