Aim: conduct cross-sectional mapping of nursing diagnosis titles for people living with AIDS, formulated according to ICNP® with those of NANDA-I. Method: this is a cross-sectional and descriptive study using a quantitative approach. After the cross-mapping between the ICNP® and NANDA-I nursing classifications, the nursing diagnoses were classified according to the Leal criteria and the Basic Human Needs. Results: it was verified that 60% of the nursing diagnoses of ICNP® were not included in NANDA-I; of these, after applying the Leal criteria, 30% were classified as similar, 5% as more restricted, 4% as more comprehensive and for 1% no agreement was identified. Conclusion: the study becomes important for comparing the practical use of the two most used nursing classifications in the world, assisting nurses to decision-making based on scientific knowledge, as well as strengthening the state of the art of Nursing.References
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