Quality of Life of people living with HIV/AIDS: a cross-sectional study
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Ciências Humanas Investigación
Atención de Enfermería
Ciencias Humanas Research
Nursing Care
Human Sciences

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Aim:  to  analyze  the  quality  of  life  (QoL)  and  its  representations  in different  diagnostic  times.  Method:  This  is  a  descriptive,  cross-sectional  study  with  a stratified sample by the time of diagnosis, consisting of 100 people living with HIV of a specialized  service  in  the  coastal  lowlands  of  the  municipality  of  Rio  de  Janeiro.  The sociodemographic and health forms were used, followed by the WHOQOL-HIV BREF and semi-structured  interviews.  Descriptive  and  inferential  statistical  analysis  was  used. Lexical analysis was operationalized by the Alceste software. Results: The perception of QoL was intermediate in all areas, as well as the contents of QoL representation pointed to the hypothesis of non-autonomous representation regarding the social representation of AIDS. Conclusion: We observed a representational profile of the quality of life aimed for positive aspects and reinterpretation, based on the new symbology attributed to the object  AIDS.  It  is  necessary  to  consider  satisfaction  with  health and  longer  time  for diagnosis in the physical domain as relevant aspects to nursing care.
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