Cognitive assessment of elderly people in long-stay institutions: a cross-sectional study
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Institutionalized Elderly
Cognitive Assessment
Neuropsychological tests
Mini Mental State Examination Anciano Institucionalizado
Evaluación cognitiva
Testes Neuropsicológicos
Miniexamen del Estado Mental Idoso Institucionalizado
Avaliação Cognitiva
Testes Neuropsicológicos
Miniexame do Estado Mental

PlumX Metrics


Aim:  To  evaluate  the  cognition  of  elderly  residents  in  long-term institutions and the association of cognitive status to sociodemographic variables and the domain  of  the  Mini  Mental  State  Examination  (MMSE).  Method:  This  is  a  descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative study. Data were collected from 161 elderly, using the MMSE, between January and March 2013 and were analyzed using chi-square and Mann-Whitney  tests.  Results:  39.8%  of  the  elderly  had  cognitive  impairment,  and  worse cognitive performance occurred in females. The domains of the MMSE had a statistically significant  association  with cognitive  decline,  and  orientation,  attention,  and  calculation and  evoked  memory  had  greater  influence  on  the  presence  of  cognitive  impairment. Conclusion:  MMSE  is  a  practical  tool  for  cognitive  evaluation  of  the  elderly,  and  it  can guide nursing interventions in order to foster standardization of the goals to be achieved in the attention to the institutionalized elderly.
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