Facilitating factors in the implementation of patient safety strategies: a descriptive exploratory study
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Patient Safety
Nurse's Role
Health Management
Safety Management Salud
Atención al Paciente
Seguridad. Saúde
Ciências Humanas
Assistência ao Paciente

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Aim: the aim of this paper is to investigate, from the perspective of nurse managers, the means/factors that facilitate the implementation process of patient safety strategies. Method: seventy-two nurse managers from four university hospitals of the  state  of  Paraná  participated,  through  an  individual  interview,  which  was  recorded and guided by the question "Tell me about aspects that facilitate the implementation of safety  strategies  in  this  hospital."  The  statements  were  transcribed  in  full  and  were submitted  for  content  analysis  in  the  thematic  modality.  Results:  two  categories emerged from the speeches: "Management tools as facilitators in the implementation  of patient   safety   strategies"   and   "Educational   processes:   means   that   facilitate   the implementation of patient safety strategies". Conclusion: it was found that the support of the top management contributed greatly to the implementation of security strategies, as well  as  the  militant  leadership  for  this  benefit  and  the  improvement  of  human  capital, which was strictly conveyed to the institutional teaching characteristic.
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