Scientific and popular knowledge in Family Health Strategies from a hermeneutic-dialectic perspective
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Basic Health Services
Nursing Humanidades
Servicios Básicos de Salud
Filosofía en Enfermería Ciências Humanas
Serviços Básicos de Saúde
Filosofia em Enfermagem

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Aim: to analyze the scientific and popular knowledge of nurses and community health agents (ACS – from the Portuguese Agentes Comunitários de Saúde) of  the  Family  Health  units  of  the  State  of  Rio  de  Janeiro.  Method:  study  from  a hermeneutic-dialectic  perspective,  where  16  nurses  were  interviewed  and  17  ACS  of Health  Family  Units  participated  in  focal  groups  from  October/2014  to  March/2015. Results  and  discussion:  professionals  use  popular  and  scientific  knowledge  in  health care,  although  not  always  in  an  articulated  way  to their  professional  practice. Some  of them  do  not  recognize  popular  knowledge  as  legitimate  knowledge  with  power  to dialogue and transform their professional practices in dialogue with scientific knowledge. Conclusion:  the  articulation  among  the  forms  of  knowledge  is  presented  as  a  powerful path in the perspective of development of health practices more complete and efficient among nurses and ACS in Family Health Strategy.
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