Aim: To carry out the cultural adaptation and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire of Planned Behaviour in Diabetes - Foot Care. Methodology: This is a methodological research in which semantic analysis was carried out by a committee of judges, pre-test and subsequently test-retest, internal consistency analysis and exploratory factor analysis in a sample of 130 people with diabetes mellitus of a Family Health strategy. We have instituted 6.35% of semantic change in the original scale. Results: The questionnaire remained stable (p> 0.05 for most items, CHF = 0.675); good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha:> 0.7 in the four areas), great relationship between the domains (KMO = 0.741) and stability in the factorial structure. Conclusion: The instrument proved to be suitable to be replicated in the Brazilian scenario.References
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