Model for a distance learning management course based on new information and learning technologies for educators' formation – a improvement proposal for teaching in the way of knowledge management by the total quality
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Formação de Professores
Educação à Distância
Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Aprendizagem
Gestão do Conhecimento pela Qualidade Total. New Information and Learning Technologies
Teachers' Formation
Knowledge Management by Total Quality. Formação de Professores
Educação à Distância
Novas Tecnologias de Informação e Aprendizagem
Gestão do Conhecimento pela Qualidade Total.

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The impact brought by the contemporary transformations characterizes as being one of it’s central elements the administration processes of  knowledge, in other words, the capacity to produce, to store, to prosecute, to recover, and to disseminate information and knowledges. In this context,  education is one of the most important protagonists, where we have the main genesis of  knowledge construction, consumption, and transfer process. It is unquestionable importance as a critical strategic factor for the development, creation, interference, and contribution by an effective form for man's progress. Following this conductor thread, the teaching institutions should integrate a new culture, allowing that the learning occurs in different places and by different means. The technology should be used, not only for existent computerization processes of teaching, but for the creation of new ways of thinking and  learning. In this sense,  search for the Total Quality in Education is the search for excellence in pedagogical, technical, and administrative processes of the school, where should converged the actions of  properly qualified and pledged educators with permanent improvement in quality in education. By means of the exposed, this project aims to introduce the factors and structural components for the construction and administration of a model course in syntony with the arguments praised by the theories of Management Knowledge by Total Quality that enables, mostly, to supply the gap of the teachers formation’s programs concerning it’s technological training, encouraging the integration of  modern technologies to the educational practice and suggesting new behaviors and new forms to produce,  store, and  transmit the knowledge, giving source of the new forms to think, do, and  learn.
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