Evaluation of educational videos produced in Brazil about infant diarrhea: a documental study
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Ciências da Vida
Tecnologia Nursing
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Aim: to characterize and evaluate educational videos produced in Brazil that deal with the aspects related to the prevention and/or management of infant diarrhea. Method: this is a documental study which evaluated 25 educational videos in terms of their content and the technical information they contained. Results: it was observed that 60% of the videos were produced in the 1990s and none were adapted for the hearing-impaired. With regard to their pathological preventive steps, 52% mentioned the treatment of drinkable water, and 48% mentioned the washing of hands. Breastfeeding was mentioned in 80% of the videos as a protective measure against the aggravation of the health issue. Maternal self-efficiency to prevent infant diarrhea was present in 28% of the sample. The production of the videos analyzed occurred mainly during the 1990s, due to an intense movement to reduce significantly infant mortality in Brazil at that time. Conclusion: the need to produce new videos related to the topic, including self-efficiency within the context of the prevention of infant diarrhea was confirmed.

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