The production of care in risky prenatal situations: a descriptive study
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Working Process
Obstetrical Nursing
Primary Health Care Proceso de Trabajo
Enfermería Obstétrica
Atención Primaria de Salud Processo de Trabalho
Enfermagem Obstétrica
Atenção Básica em Saúde

PlumX Metrics


Aim: To describe the health services offered with regard to high risk pregnancies by the care network; to map the route of the path of pregnant women care. Method: This is a descriptive, qualitative research which has as a scenario, the Malu Sampaio Woman Specialties Polyclinic and, as subjects, pregnant women at potential pregnancy risk who are not hospitalized. In order to collect data we will use semi-structured interviews, participant observation and bibliographic and documentary material. The collection period is from August to September 2013. The processing of data will be performed using Bardin analysis, which will allow the construction of the therapeutic path.
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