Attention to the parturient adolescent: access and reception – a descriptive study
Thais Jormanna Pereira Silva
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Health Caring
Access to heath service
Parturient Adolescence Asistencia a la Salud
Acceso a los servicios de salud
Adolescente parturiente Assistência à Saúde
Acesso aos serviços de saúde
Adolescente Parturiente

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Aim: To analyze the access and reception of adolescent mothers in the parturition stage in obstetrics emergencies. Method: This is a descriptive study, with data collected through the interviewing and observation of twelve adolescent mothers, in the Sector of Obstetrics in a tertiary hospital of the public hospital network of the municipality of Fortaleza, Brazil. Results: The first category was the access that adolescent mothers had to a hospital unit, including the journeys that they made and the physical structure of the hospital. The second category was the reception that the adolescent mother received at the obstetric emergency. Discussion: This study observed the precariousness of the physical structure of secondary hospitals, which leads to mass transference of pregnant women to higher complexity hospitals. Some women reported positive feedback as a result of the cordial and affectionate attitudes of the professionals they encountered. Other women, however, commented on the lack of understanding amongst health managers and policymakers regarding their specific needs. Conclusion: Greater attention needs to be paid to adolescent mothers, especially during the delivery stage, where it is essential that genuine bonds are generated for the benefit of the parturients.
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