In 2009, the demand not pertinent (DNP) to the Mobile Emergency Care (SAMU) Service in Porto Alegre represented 36% (26,233) of calls directed to 192. This irrelevance is established when the case does not configure itself, to the medical regulator, as life-threatening situation, being unnecessary, therefore, sending ambulances to attend. Aimed to present the characterization the DNP by Managements (GER) of the Municipal Health Secretary, of the year mentioned before. The study was quantitative and analyzed variables were: age, sex, time span, weekday, month, type of rescue and relief subtype. In all eight GER, the frequent calls were female, aged 20-39 years and type of clinician distress. To characterize the DNP subsidizes the proposal that nurses act in first aid workshops to engage with the community about urgent health problems, a subject that has been treated as a domain of health professionals.
Received: 08/16/2011
Approved: 04/09/2012
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