The bioethics in the management of nursing work process: a reflecion
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Gerenciamento da Prática Profissional
Bioética. Enfermagem
Gerenciamento da Prática Profissional
Bioética. Nursing
Professional Practice management

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This article refers to the ethic and bioethics in the nursing practice, having the purpose of providing to the nurses some reflection which will bring closer the knowledge of ethic and bioethics to the management of work process in nursing. To evidence this study, the nursing profession will be described briefly considering concept as work and work process. The work process in nursing, according to some theories, is under the following concepts : Caring, managing and teaching. The prominence of this study originates from the possible contribution for the enrichment of nursing professional practice once this will allow the critical analysis of this professional into the definition of beneficial, just and adequate behavior/positioning for all the involved in the nursing work process.
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