Protecting factors of the mental health of incarcerated women: a descriptive-exploratory study
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Women's Health
Mental Health
Health Promotion Salud de la Mujer
Salud Mental
Promoción de la Salud Saúde da Mulher
Saúde Mental
Promoção da Saúde

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Aim: to identify the activities that promote mental health carried out by women deprived of their liberty, given the difficulties encountered during the period of imprisonment. Method: descriptive, exploratory, qualitative study with forty women deprived of liberty in a female prison in the state of Rio de Janeiro, who were interviewed based on a semi - structured script. The data obtained, subject to the analysis of content in the thematic modality, gave rise to the category Protection factors of the mental health of the incarcerated women. Results: women have pointed to factors that protect their mental health: studying, working, performing leisure activities (singing, talking, reading) and religious activities. Conclusion: health promotion activities with a focus on mental health should be rethought in order to ensure the mental health of women deprived of their liberty.
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