Objectives: To know the meanings of "living with obesity" to members of a group of self-help for obese individuals. Method: An exploratory study with a qualitative approach, conducted with 14 participants in a self-help group for overweight people in the city of Maringá-PR. Data were collected between September and December 2010, through observation and recording of meetings and semi-structured interview. Data analysis occurred in accordance with the content analysis. The study followed the guidelines of Resolution 196/96. Results: The data showed feelings of prejudice, self-prejudice, despondency and social inadequacy, producing insecurity and social escape. Participants attending the group revealed they were in search of support, understanding and affinity, highlighting changes in their lives regarding this participation. Implications for nursing: Working with groups reduces costs and time in care, in addition to providing greater interaction between professional / client, reducing the vertical relationship between them and facilitating health care.
Received: 05/14/2011
Approved: 10/27/2011
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