Registration of the nursing process for patients with cardiovascular diseases: an integrative review


Aim:  to  identify  the  publications  related  to  the  registration  of  the nursing  process  for  patients  with  cardiovascular  diseases.  Method:  integrative  review, carried  out  using  the  MEDLINE,  CINAHL  and  LILACS  databases,  based  on  a  10-year temporal  cut-off.  Seven  articles,  divided into  two  categories  and  analyzed  according to the theme, were selected. Result: after reading the full text, seven articles were included and  two  categories   were  created.  Discussion:  all  studies   discussed  standardized language  systems.  Two  studies  described  the  interconnection  of  diagnostic  languages, interventions  and  outcomes.  On  the  other  hand,  five  studies  dealt  with  only  one standardized language. Conclusion: nursing process registry studies have been identified for  patients  with  cardiovascular  diseases.  However,  the  literature  is still  limited  and  of low methodological rigor.
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