Objetivo: Identificar, por medio de evidencias científicas, los factores predictores de mortalidad en pacientes en uso de Ventilación Mecánica Invasora. Método: Revisión integradora de literatura. La búsqueda fue realizada en las bases de datos Pubmed, Cochrane y Web of Science, por medio de la estrategia PICO, utilizando los descrictores: “humans”, “respiration, artificial”, “mechanical ventilation”, “ventilator weaning”, “mechanical ventilator weaning”, “mortality” e “hospital mortality”, mediada por los operadores booleanos AND y OR. Resultados: Fueron seleccionados 26 artículos, cuyo análisis posibilitó una discusión direccionada a la identificación de los factores predictores de mortalidad, clasificados en predictores clínicos y ventilatoria; y los principales cambios en las conductas ventilatorias ocurridas a lo largo de los años. De los 26 artículos encontrados, 96% fueron publicados en lengua inglesa, 92% son estudios observacionales, 4% metaanálisis y 4% ensayos clínicos. Conclusión: El desmame prolongado, la falla de extubación y la Re intubación fueron los principales predictores identificados por los estudios analizados.Citas
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Shirzad M, Karimi A, Ahmadi S, Marzban M, Tazik M, Aramin H. Predictors and early outcome of prolonged mechanical ventilation in contemporary heart valve surgery. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis (Online) [internet]. 2010 Mar [Cited 2016 May 5] 74(1). Available from: doi: [included in the review]
Lone N, Walsh T. Prolonged mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients: epidemiology, outcomes and modelling the potential cost consequences of establishing a regional weaning unit. Crit Care (Online) [internet]. 2011 Mar 27 [Cited 2016 May 5] 15(2). Available from: doi: 10.1186/cc10117 [included in the review]
Funk G, Anders S, Breyer M, Burghuber O, Edelmann G, Heindl W, et al. Incidence and outcome of weaning from mechanical ventilation according to new categories. Eur Respir J (Online) [internet]. 2009 Jun 18 [Cited 2016 May 5] 35(1). Available from: doi: 10.1183/09031936.00056909 [included in the review]
Peñuelas O, Frutos-Vivar F, Fernández C, Anzueto A, Epstein S, Apezteguía C, et al. Characteristics and outcomes of ventilated patients according to time to liberation from mechanical ventilation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med (Online) [internet]. 2011 Aug 15 [Cited 2016 May 5] 184(4). Available from: doi: [included in the review]
Tonnelier A, Tonnelier J, Nowak E, Gut-Gobert C, Prat G, Renault A, et al. Clinical relevance of classification according to weaning difficulty. Respir Care (Online) [internet]. 2011 Jan 27 [Cited 2016 May 5] 56(5). Available from: doi: [included in the review]
Bickenbach J, Fries M, Offermanns V, Von Stillfried R, Rossaint R, Marx G, et al. Impact of early vs. late tracheostomy on weaning: a retrospective analysis. Minerva Anestesiol (Online) [internet]. 2011 May 26 [Cited 2016 May 5] 77(12). Available from: [included in the review]
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Cohen J, Starobin D, Papirov G, Shapiro M, Grozovsky E, Kramer M, et al. Initial experience with a mechanical ventilation weaning unit. Isr Med Assoc J (Online) [internet]. 2005 Mar [Cited 2016 May 5] 7(3). Available from: [included in the review]
Frutos-Vivar F1, Esteban A, Apezteguia C, González M, Arabi Y, Restrepo MI, et al. Outcome of reintubated patients after scheduled extubation. J Crit Care (Online) [internet]. 2011 Mar 3 [Cited 2016 May 5] 26(5). Available from: doi: [included in the review]
Jeong B, Ko M, Nam J, Yoo H, Chung C, Suh G, et al. Differences in clinical outcomes according to weaning classifications in medical intensive care units. PLoS One (Online) [internet]. 2015 Apr 15 [Cited 2016 May 5] 10(4). Available from: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122810 [included in the review]
Krinsley J, Barone J. The drive to survive: unplanned extubation in the ICU. Chest (Online) [internet]. 2005 Aug [Cited 2016 May 5] 182(2). Available from: doi: [included in the review]
Silva C, Timenetsky K, Taniguchi C, Calegaro S, Azevedo C, Stus R, et al. Low mechanical ventilation times and reintubation rates associated with a specific weaning protocol in an intensive care unit setting: a retrospective study. Clinics (Online) [internet]. 2012 Sep [Cited 2016 May 5] 67(9). Available from: doi: [included in the review]
Funk G, Bauer P, Burghuber O, Fazekas A, Hartl S, Hochrieser H, et al. Prevalence and prognosis of COPD in critically ill patients between 1998 and 2008. Eur Respir J (Online) [internet]. 2012 Sep 27 [Cited 2016 May 5] 41(4). Available from: doi: [included in the review]
Gupta P, Giehler K, Walters R, Meyerink K, Modrykamien A. The effect of a mechanical ventilation discontinuation protocol in patients with simple and difficult weaning: impact on clinical outcomes. Respir Care (Online) [internet]. 2013 Jul 23 [Cited 2016 May 5] 59(2). Available from: doi: [included in the review]
Kao H, Lai T, Hung H, Chen Y, Chou P, Wang C, et al. Sequential Oxygenation Index and Organ Dysfunction Assessment within the First 3 Days of Mechanical Ventilation Predict the Outcome of Adult Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Failure. The Scientific World Journal (Online) [internet]. 2013 Feb 18 [Cited 2016 May 5]. Available from: doi: [included in the review]
Oba Y1, Thameem DM, Zaza T. High levels of PEEP may improve survival in acute respiratory distress syndrome: A meta-analysis. Respir Med (Online) [internet]. 2009 Mar 9 [Cited 2016 May 5] 103(8). Available from: doi: [included in the review]
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Jubran A, Lawm G, Kelly J, Duffner L, Gungor G, Collins E, et al. Depressive disorders during weaning from prolonged mechanical ventilation. Intensive Care Med (Online) [internet]. 2010 Mar 16 [Cited 2016 May 5] 36(5). Available from: doi: [included in the review]