The perception of students of the area of health about the environmental problems: a descriptive study
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Palabras clave

Sustentabilidade ambiental
Formação profissional em saúde
Crise ambiental. Sustentabilidad ambiental
Formación profesional en salud
Crisis ambiental. Environmental Sustainability
Professional Training in Health
Environmental Crisis.

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Aim: The study aims to understand what students in the area of health know about the environmental problems. Method: Descriptive research, of a qualitative nature, was performed with regard to academicians of the area of health in a graduate level institution. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed through the use of content analysis. Results: The data showed a polarized concept about the environment which can be simplified as an interactive view or a naturalized one. The actual environmental problems impact on the subjects, and they identify humanity as the origin of this situation. They call attention to some of the actions that are fundamental to the creation of sustainable behavior, yet there is a question about government inefficiency with regard to the topic. Conclusion: The development of the discussion about the topic is fundamental to stimulate the reflexive process about social-environmental responsibility by academicians in the area of health
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