Access and ability of resolution: satisfaction of the users of victims’ protection service of in-family violence


Problem: Family violence against children and adolescents in Brazil is gradually increasing in recent years. The high rates point to the complexity involved in this problem by requiring health workers step up care to families and mobilizing various government agencies and nongovernmental organizations. The need for this phenomenon is considered as an emergency requires be implemented immediate and concrete actions undertaken by various departments within the network. Thus, to reduce its impact, access to social services and health and the resolution of the actions taken are vital to combat high rates of domestic violence. Access and resoluteness, together, correspond to the capacity of the service to offer care consistent with the needs of its users.


Objective: This study aimed to analyze the satisfaction of families in relation to access and resolute actions and services of two protective services to victims of domestic violence in the city of Rio Grande / RS. Constitute the specific goals: (1) analyze the satisfaction of families regarding access to services that address situations of domestic violence in Rio Grande, RS, (2) examine the satisfaction of families regarding the resolution of the actions developed in services serving families in situations of domestic violence in Rio Grande / RS.


Method: This is a quantitative, descriptive and exploratory. The sample was composed of the information contained in 113 assessments by the families involved CREAS and the Guardian Council, which were collected between 2008 to 2009, through the application of a questionnaire evaluating the satisfaction of users of mental health services ( SATIS-BR-User). Selected information were submitted to descriptive analysis, canonical correlation and multiple regression.


Results: The results indicate high correlation between access and problem solving (RC = 0,8659) and that the services are considered easily accessible for families when they are especially receptive (0,883837), treat them with respect and dignity (0,858614) and listen (0,626720). Being possessed of such features, aspects such as travel time to service and information about the treatment provided minor gain for the user. The problem solving is expressed by the decision of the family to return to service should the need arise (0,900171), for their satisfaction with services (0,872823) and the amount of aid received (0,803617), the assessment that the team was helping him (0,827258) and that the services helped them deal with the problems (0,758437) and also by understanding thereof by the person who received the service (0,688417). Moreover, they observed a strong association (R=0,83), highly significant (p=0,00000), between the degree of satisfaction of families and four aspects of problem solving actions and service, with due regard to satisfaction with amount of aid it received “is what has greater influence on family satisfaction” (beta=0,314682).


Conclusions: The study results presented here indicate user satisfaction with access for the protection services to child and adolescent victims of violence, and show that the resolution is related to access to services, raising thus the investment in accessibility.
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