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Lista de comprobación para la preparación de envíos

Como parte del proceso de envío, los autores/as están obligados a comprobar que su envío cumpla todos los elementos que se muestran a continuación. Se devolverán a los autores/as aquellos envíos que no cumplan estas directrices.
  • ATTACHMENTS: For research done in Brazil, evidentiary documentation of the project’s approval from the Research Ethics Committee (CONEP) must be attached, whenever applicable (Item XII.2 of Resolution 466/2012 from the National Healthcare Counsel). In the case of international research, there must be documentation regarding ethics in compliance with the legislation of the country of origin, in agreement with the Declaração de Helsinki.
  • FORMAT: the maximum number of words per section and no use of footnotes or endnotes; accepted languages are English, Portuguese and Spanish, taking into account the native language of the first author; figures must have titles and sources, be editable and limited to six(6), preceded by reference and with a supplementary document attached; photographs must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF); graph and figure combinations must have a minimum resolution of 500 dpi and TIFF format or Encapsulated Post Script (EPS).
  • SECTIONS: In accordance with sections accepted by the Online Brazilian Jornal of Nursing.
  • DEADLINES: Submission fee (3 days after notification); publishing fee (7 days following notification); opinion reply (7 days following submission); gathering of data on the day of submission (up to three years); manuscript references (up to five years); proof-reading after the reception of material reviewed in Portuguese, translated into English and Spanish ( 3 days after reception). Corrections after publishing will be made up to 10 days after publishing, which will be done by the proofreader and imply reattribution of DOI at the expense of the author. The non-compliance with any deadline may result in the archiving of the article without the author’s right to complain thereafter.
  • PEER REVIEW: this is an evaluation process done by peers and blinded. To guarantee this, it is the author’s responsibility to remove any information that may lead to his or her identification of affiliation, whether in the text or file properties before the file is loaded (step 2 – manuscript transfer).
  • EDITORIAL WORFLOW: there are several factors that have an impact on the average time for the manuscript completion, such as quality, themes, layout, evidence level, availability of reviewers among others. Generally, the time for article completion is inversely proportional to the quality of the manuscript.

Directrices para autores/as

By marking the items below, I do, as the author responsible for the submission, and on behalf of any other authors, agree with all the rules of the journal and declare I have received all the necessary information for the article submission concerning format, merit, methods, and ethics advocated by the Online Brazilian Jornal of Nursing. I understand that the inobservance of any of the orientations may result in the archiving of the submission process, after notification of the due reasons for this archiving, and without reimbursement of any kind. The following aspects have been taken into account:

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Autores * (podem submeter material para a revista);
Revisores * (disponíveis para analisar submissões).