Sociopoetics defines a field for research and action in health and in other areas. A vision of the integrated individual (in itself, integrating strengths and weaknesses, and holistically, in the human and non-human environment), the Researching-Group device inspired by Paulo Freire and Institutional Analysis (and operative Groups etc.) favors "work" between shadow and light, between oppression and freedom, by the profound solidarity and responsibility of the members in the process of knowing, caring and learning. The Researching Group owns the research, care and learning in dialogicity with the institution that welcomes us, which is entitled to demand returns by its availability. But it is even more than that: it is a thinker, a collective philosopher, an intelligent collective covered by pre-individual and supra-individual affections, giving substantiated reasons in expanded environments, winning without holding, and receiving without relying.References
Gauthier JHM. O oco do vento: metodologia da pesquisa sociopoética e estudos transculturais Curitiba : CRV Editora; 2012.