Aim: To evaluate nursing care measures offered to women in labor before delivery in the model maternity unit of Vale do Jurua region/AC, according to the dictates of care quality indicators proposed by the Ministry of Health. Method: Cross-sectional study, descriptive and quantitative approach, participant observation method. Results: There were no restrictions on fluids, or permanence of a companion; non-pharmacological methods were stimulated; the absence of the use of the partograph was noteworthy (A); enemas, intestinal cleansers and shaving were eliminated from the routine procedures (B); some pain relief technologies without sufficient evidence for their indication were not used (C); frequent vaginal examination, cardiotocography and oxytocics administration occurred in more than 30% of cases, according to each conduct. Conclusion: excellence in care provision in delivery requires reflection of the parts involved, as well as implementation and consolidation of existing public policies to ensure comprehensive and humane care measures.References
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