Challenges and confrontations in care by nurses: a study of social representations
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Vulnerabilidade em Saúde
Cuidados de Enfermagem
Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida
HIV Health Vulnerability
Nursing Care
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
HIV Vulnerabilidad en Salud
Atención de Enfermería
Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida

PlumX Metrics


Aim: to analyze the challenges faced by nurses in caring for individuals with HIV/AIDS, and their means of confrontation seen in the social representation of nurses regarding their own vulnerability and empowerment. Method: thirty nurses from a public hospital were approached through a semi-structured interview. Later, there was an instrumentalized content analysis using NVivo 9.0 software based on a theoretical-methodological approach according to the Social Representations Theory. Results: the challenges are seen in the affective, imagery and cognitive dimensions of representation, while the means of confrontation are especially connected to the practical dimension. Discussion: vulnerability is confronted by the intersection between political-institutional and humane-affective factors, while empowerment is placed as a fluid process of reframing the performed role. Conclusion: there is an urgency to develop programmed tasks aimed at the health of nursing professionals who work with patients with HIV/AIDS.
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