Context: Evaluating clinical practice based on standard language has become a necessity. Objective: This study aims to map nursing interventions according to the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC), identifying the most prevalent Nursing Diagnoses in an intensive care unit within the first 24 hours of hospital admission. Method: Cross-sectional study. A cross-mapping method was used to analyze data collected from 150 medical records. A total of 195 diagnoses were identified, showing 21 different ones; and 1694 prescribed care. Result: The most recurrent diagnoses were Impaired Tissue Integrity and Impaired Skin Integrity, and the main intervention, Lesion Care (14.1% and 19.78%) was prescribed for both; Gas Exchange was affected by prevailing intervention Airway Control (29.76%), Ineffective Tissue Perfusion: cerebral and cardiopulmonary with priority intervention Neurologic Monitoring (38.3%) and Acute Cardiac Care (2.8%) respectively, the latter also being priority for Decreased Cardiac Output (1.3%). Conclusion: Most care was in line with the standard taxonomy of the Nursing Interventions Classification, though the interventions considered priority were limited.
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