Objective: To describe the frequency of clinical and sociodemographic variables before necrotizing enterocolitis, as well as the frequency of cases, complications, and deaths in a university hospital. Method: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out by requesting an anonymized query that included newborns diagnosed with Necrotizing Enterocolitis of hospital acquisition and the variables before developing the disease in the five-year period. Results: In the study period, 59 cases of Necrotizing Enterocolitis occurred, with an incidence of 0.9 infections by patients/day in the Neonatology Unit. The surgical outcome occurred in 42.3% of the cases, and 18.6% died, variables were also obtained regarding pregnancy, birth, and hospitalization, which could be related to the studied cases. Conclusion: The low supply of breast milk exclusively, in only 5.1% of the cases, is one of the results that may have had a more significant influence on the rate of Necrotizing Enterocolitis of this Unit, being this a variable cited in many studies as the main form of prevention of infection. Neonatology teams must reevaluate their care processes, mainly by promoting human milk supply exclusively to babies.
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