Repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the configuration of Nursing interpersonal relationships: qualitative approach
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Objective: to identify the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on interpersonal relationships in the workplace, reported by nursing professionals at a university hospital in the state of Minas Gerais. Method: descriptive study of qualitative approach with semi-structured interview conducted with the Nursing Team of a university hospital in Belo Horizonte. The data were organized a posteriori from the thematic Content Analysis. Results: the responses showed fear of the unknown and vulnerability of nursing professionals; work overload and stress that interfere paradoxically in work relationships; impersonality and power relationships, in addition to institutional standards versus affective relationships that permeate the work. Conclusion: the repercussions of the pandemic in the configuration of interpersonal relationships of nursing professionals in the work environment can stimulate reflections on the more horizontal and dialogical relationships, based on interprofessionality for the provision of integral, affective and humanized care.
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