Objective: to develop a standard operational protocol for guidance of family members of children with neurogenic dysfunction in performing clean intermittent vesical catheterization. Method: This is an Applied Research for the elaboration of the standard operational protocol as an instrument for intervention in health care and education to family members of children with dysfunctions in the lower urinary tract, for use at home. The study took place between August 2022 and July 2023. Results: The protocol was elaborated with the description of the actions for application before, during and after the procedure of vesical catheterization, as well as the list of materials . The Protocol and Flowchart of Health Care was used as theoretical reference in the care of the user with the need for intermittent vesical catheterization, both of the Health Department of the Federal District, critical reading of scientific articles on the subject and Resolution n. 546/2017, Federal Council of Nursing. Conclusion: It is concluded that the elaboration of the protocol as a tool of health education can provide clarification of doubts to the family members, contributes to comprehensive care and safety at home, increase the autonomy of the family member.
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