In Brazil there has been an increase of private nursing schools that offer a part-time Undergraduate Course, allowing students to take a job. This topic has roused the interest of academicians pursuing knowledge of the profile, and difficulties of these students, in order to contribute towards better nursing education. The purpose is to describe the sociodemographic, work and study-related characteristics of working students from the Nursing Undergraduate Course of a private university, São Paulo, Brazil. It is a descriptive survey. The population consisted of 406 students; of these, 250 (62%) were enrolled in the morning and 156 (38.00%) in the evening period; 334 (82.27%) women and 72 (17.73%) men, with average age of 30 and 29 years; 193 (47.54%) single and 158 (38.92%) married. The majority (70.68%) reported monthly income of US$ 230 to US$ 680, contributing partially (36.95%) to the family income, with primary activities including leisure, visiting friends and relatives (21.44%) and watching TV (19.14%). As regards the facts relating to work, 85% work in a job, with a workday of 31 or more hours per week (78%); 80.06% work at a hospital, as a nursing assistant or technician (65.77%).The results relating to the study demonstrate that 68% study a maximum of 4 hours/week and 19% do not study; the main reason for not paying attention to lessons is tiredness, stress and sleepiness (78.40%).
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