Possible risk factors for acute pain related to nursing care in adults and the elderly: a scoping review protocol
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Nursing Diagnosis
Acute Pain Enfermagem
Diagnóstico de Enfermagem
Dor Aguda

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Objective: to map the possible risk factors for acute pain, related to nursing care, in adults and the elderly in health services. Method: Scope Review Protocol (Registry Open Science Framework: DOI: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/JCA9P), which will follow the methodology of the Joanna Briggs Institute. Preliminary research will be carried out in PubMed and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, to identify the most commonly used indexing terms in articles. Then, these keywords will be used to develop the search strategy in the other databases. The reference list of the retrieved articles will be analyzed for inclusion in the study. Full studies, in all languages, with no time restriction, with adults/older adults will be included. Two independent and masked reviewers will select the titles, abstracts, and full text. Discrepancies will be resolved by a third reviewer. The data will be extracted in a specific form and the results will be grouped according to the specificities and presented in narrative text, figures and graphs.

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