Purpose: To verify the most appropriate treatment for the prevention and reduction of the signs and symptoms of abstinence in critically ill children through a systematic review of the world literature. Method: The systematic review will be conducted according to the PRISMA and Cochrane methodology, with registration at PROSPERO under the ID number CRD42021274670. In the respective databases, PUBMed®, Lilacs, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane, Cinahl, Cochrane Database Systematic Review and CENTRAL,searches will be carried out by two independant evaluators, a third party will perform the intermediate if necessary. The data will be entered into the Zotero software program that will delete duplicate articles, after the selected material will be transferred to Excel spreadsheet on its own instrument. The studies will be classified according to their level of evidence, bias and risk factor. The results will be analyzed and tabulated and discussed in order to better understand the results. If possible, meta-analyzes will be carried out for the aggregated results.
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