Men’s Experiences and Perspectives on their Involvement in Pregnancy: A Qualitative Approach Study
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Cuidado pré-natal
Saúde da mulher Prenatal care
Women’s health

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Objective: To understand men’s experiences and perceptions of their involvement in pregnancy. Method: A descriptive, qualitative research approach was used. Information was collected through semi-structured interviews with ten male partners of postpartum women in a shared accommodation setting and subjected to thematic analysis. Results: Overall, men’s involvement in prenatal care included attending medical appointments, being present during examinations, and assisting with household tasks. Some limitations included work routines and legal aspects related to work issues. Respondents suggested ways to encourage greater involvement and inclusion in the experience of pregnancy and prenatal care. Conclusion: Health professionals should give fathers a voice and include them as targets of health initiatives, making them active participants during this period and reinforcing good health practices set by government policies.
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