Objective: To identify in the scientific literature applications for the use of ultrasonography by nurses in the operating room. Methods: Scope review carried out according to the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute to answer the guiding question What are the possible uses of ultrasound by nurses in the operating room? The articles were sought in the main international bases of scientific and gray literature. The descriptors used will be ultrasonography and surgical centers. The research was guided by the acronym P-C-C: P – Participants: Surgical Center Nursing Team; C - Concept: Ultrasound; C - Context: Surgical Center. Protocol Registration: osf.io/p8zne. Results : The studies found covered three main uses of ultrasound for perioperative nurses in the operating room scenario: gastric evaluation (N=7), evaluation of vesical content (N=10) and auxiliary for venous and arterial peripheral puncture (N=3). Conclusion: Perioperative nurses should seek training for advanced practices including the use of ultrasound as an aid in their practice.
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