Objective: to investigate the definition of nipple trauma related to breastfeeding and the types of trauma and their treatments in the literature. Method: scope review. The following were consulted: PubMed; Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS); Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL); SCOPUS; Web of Science; Nursing database (BDENF), EMBASE and Cochrane Library. Studies published from 2015 to 2020 were included. Results: the final sample consisted of 23 articles, 14 of them addressed the definition of nipple trauma. This event includes pain, being one of the most common problems during breastfeeding and a relevant factor for early weaning. The best way to prevent and treat it is through proper positioning and latch on. Conclusion: there is no standardization regarding the definition of nipple trauma and the different types. There is a need for refinement of the nomenclature, in order to assist in the diagnosis and adequate treatment.
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