Objective: To map the scientific evidence on the instruments used to assess resilience in adult individuals with chronic cardiovascular disease, and explore their domains. Method: A scoping review to meet the question: What are the instruments or questionnaires used to assess resilience in adult individuals with chronic cardiovascular disease? The search was conducted in LILACS, Scopus, Web of Science, Pubmed, CINAHL databases and the grey literature. Studies were uploaded to Mendeley and the selection was performed by two independent reviewers (Kappa=0.86). Results: A total of 164 studies were identified and 14 were included; six instruments were used to assess resilience. The resilience assessment occurred in individuals with ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, stroke, and heart failure. Conclusion: The instruments were not adapted for use in individuals with chronic cardiovascular diseases. The development of specific instruments that include individual domains and consider the social context of these individuals is necessary.
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