Objective: To analyze the diffusion of the Electronic Medical Record of the Citizen within family health teams at a district in the West Region of Minas Gerais State. Method: A case study, qualitative approach, based on the Innovation Diffusion Theory. We carried out 17 structured interviews with professionals and observations of the daily routine of eight family health teams that used the Electronic Medical Record of the Citizen (EMRC). Data were analyzed by means of Content Analysis, the Thematic-Categorical modality. Results: The participants identified the Electronic Medical Record of the Citizen as more advantageous than the previous technology – compatible with their needs, not a complex technology. Despite the short experimentation period, the results and the contributions of this technology were acknowledged. Conclusion: Over its diffusion period, the Electronic Medical Record of the Citizen has been proving to be a potentially able innovation to transform daily activities, furthering receptive attitudes...
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