Objective: to describe the process of cross-cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese for the Heart Disease Knowledge Questionnaire. Method: a methodological cross-cultural adaptation study carried out between August and December 2019, in five stages: initial translation, synthesis of the translations, back-translation, evaluation by judges, and pre-test. The translated questionnaire was evaluated by a committee of nine judges regarding semantic, idiomatic, conceptual and cultural equivalences. The pre-test version was applied to 50 participants to verify understanding and clarity of the questionnaire. Results: the terms used in the different translations were reviewed, looking for those with similar meanings. Thirteen items presented an agreement percentage below 90% in the judges' assessment, with suggested changes being made. The participants in the pre-test version evaluated the questionnaire and suggested changes in eight items for better understanding. Conclusion: the Portuguese version of the Heart Disease Knowledge Questionnaire was culturally adapted for the population under study...
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