Objective: To evaluate the factors associated with shark attacks and deaths in Brazil. Method: This is a cross-sectional and quantitative study, carried out through virtual access to the Global Shark Attack File website. The analysis was performed in the R program, using descriptive statistics and the Pearson's chi-square and Fisher's exact tests. Results: There were 86 attacks, of which 26 (30.2%) resulted in deaths. An association was found between occurrence of the attacks and year, state, region, day of the week, shift and shark species, in addition to the victim's age group and gender and to the part of the body affected. No variable was associated with death as outcome. The state of Pernambuco accounted for the largest number of attacks (83.7%) and deaths (96.2%). Conclusion: Shark attacks were associated with nine variables: three related to the victim's characterization and six to the profile of the accident.
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